Peningkatan Pendapatan Pengrajin melalui Produksi Briket Ramah Lingkungan

Increasing Craftsmen's Income through Eco-Friendly Briquette Production




Added value, Coconut shell, Briquettes, Production capacity, Management


The problems faced by coconut shell charcoal craftsmen are production capacity, product quality, and low selling prices. Low product quality is due to the absence of quality standards in the production process. This activity aims to improve the management quality and add value to charcoal products by turning them into briquettes to increase the selling price. Implementing activities is divided into two different problem areas that one partner handles: production problems and management problems (raw material management, production process management, packing, and warehousing management, shipping management, product quality assurance management, and marketing management). The output of this community service activity is that coconut shell charcoal has been produced with an increased quality than before in terms of the low water content of less than 7%. Likewise, the briquettes to those produced are of high quality. There is an increase in added value through processing shell charcoal into briquettes which have significantly increased revenue and profit.


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Author Biography

Sukamta Sukamta, Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta

Sukamta is a Lecturer of the Mechanical Engineering Department in the field of expertise in Energy Conversion, Mechanical and Piping System completed a study of bachelor of engineering, master degree and doctoral program at the University of Gadjah Mada. Bachelor of Engineering (ST.) was completed in 1995, Master of Engineering (MT.) in 2000, and doctor degree (Dr.) in 2012. Profession degree as Engineer (Ir.) was obtained from the Indonesian Engineers Association in 2008, certification as an Associate Expert Planner for Mechanical Engineering from the Association of Indonesian Construction Experts (ATAKI, PATI, PII) since 2010, as Auditor Certification Quality Management System ISO 9001 in 2011 from the International Register of Certified auditor (IRCA) through TÜV Rheinland Indonesia with no. Certificate of 37 56-201 1, a Lecturer Certified as Professional Educators in 2011, Auditor Certification as Environmentally Management System ISO 14001 in 2012 from the International Register of Certified Auditors (IRCA) through TÜV Rheinland Indonesia with no. certificate of E197738.  The highest academic position of the professor was achieved on 1 November 2020 at the age of 50.


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How to Cite

Sukamta, S., & Indardi, I. (2021). Peningkatan Pendapatan Pengrajin melalui Produksi Briket Ramah Lingkungan: Increasing Craftsmen’s Income through Eco-Friendly Briquette Production. PengabdianMu: Jurnal Ilmiah Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat, 6(3), 298–305.