Imam Sanusi (1)
(1) STIT Darul Ulum Kuburaya , Indonesia


The school principal has the functional authority to supervise/supervise the teachers under his/her leadership. It is hoped that the function of the school principal in improving teacher performance is so that teachers in teaching are more skilled, focused and professional, so that it is easier to capture, digest and then implement it in their daily tasks. The teacher is a central figure in the implementation of education, because the teacher is a figure who is very necessary to spur the success of his students. The problem formulation in this research is: What is the function of the principal at SMPI Ainul Ulum Parit Seribut, Sungai Ambawang District? How does the principal's social interaction influence teachers and what is the influence of the principal's function on improving teacher performance? Based on the problem formulation above, the objectives that can be achieved in this research are: To find out the function of the principal at SMPI Ainul Ulum Parit Seribut, Sungai Ambawang District. To find out the influence of the principal's social interaction on teacher performance and to find out the extent of the influence of the principal's function on improving teacher performance at the school. This research is expected to provide the following benefits: 1) Theoretical Benefits of this research can enrich scientific discourse or the development of knowledge, especially regarding the influence of social interactions between school principals and teachers which can be utilized by various parties whose duties and services are related to the world of education. 2) Practical Benefits As input material for school principals for their duties as administrators in their implementation efforts. As input material for administrative managers, teachers can carry out their functions as school administrators well. As comparison material for other researchers who wish to conduct research on the above title in other locations. As information material. to increase the insight of researchers and readers, especially regarding the influence of social interactions between school principals and teachers in the school environment.

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