Jurnal Hadratul Madaniyah 2024-07-17T15:55:39+00:00 Ariyadi Open Journal Systems <p style="text-align: justify;"><strong>Title:</strong> Jurnal Hadratul Madaniyah<br><strong>ISSN:</strong> <a href="">2655-1993</a> (<em>online</em>), ISSN: <a href="">2407-3865</a> (<em>print</em>)<br><strong>Subject: </strong>Islamic Studies<br> <strong>Frequency:</strong> six-monthly&nbsp;(2 issues per year in June and December)<br><strong>Indexed at: </strong><a href="">SINTA 5</a>,<strong>&nbsp;</strong><a href=";and_facet_source_title=jour.1364935">Dimensions</a>, <a href=";from_ui=yes">Crossref</a>,&nbsp;<a href=";user=SUTUrMAAAAAJ">Google Scholar</a>,&nbsp;<a href="">GARUDA</a>, and more<br> <strong>DOI: </strong><a href="">10.33084/jhm</a><br><strong>Archive preservation: </strong><a href="">GARUDA</a><br> <strong>Publisher: </strong><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Institute for Research and Community Services</a> <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Universitas Muhammadiyah Palangkaraya</a><br> <strong>Editor in Chief: </strong><a href=";user=imGR3qUAAAAJ">Ariyadi</a></p> <p style="text-align: justify;"><strong>Jurnal Hadratul Madaniyah</strong> (<em>J Hadratul Madaniyah</em>) is a national journal managed by the&nbsp;<strong><a href="">Faculty of Islamic Religion</a>&nbsp;<a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Universitas Muhammadiyah Palangkaraya</a></strong>&nbsp;and published by the <strong><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Institute for Research and Community Services</a>&nbsp;</strong><strong><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Universitas Muhammadiyah Palangkaraya</a></strong>&nbsp;two times a year (in June and December), contains scientific articles of research and critical analysis studies in Islamic Studies, Al Ahwal Al Syakhsiyah (Islamic Law), Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Education, and another related field.</p> <p><a title="SINTA" href=""><img src="/public/site/images/adminjournal/SINTA3.png" width="84" height="30"></a></p> <p><strong>Jurnal Hadratul Madaniyah</strong> is accredited at&nbsp;<strong>"<a href="">SINTA 5</a>"</strong>&nbsp;until December 2021 by the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education, Indonesia No: 28/E/KPT/2019.</p> IMPLEMENTASI NAFKAH IDDAH DI PENGADILAN AGAMA LUBUK LINGGAU 2024-05-04T04:10:38+00:00 Ahmad Fuadi Fuadi Devi Anggreni Sy,Fitriyani <p><em>The court has the authority to demand that the former husband provide post-divorce living expenses in the form of nafkah iddah. The Religious Court plays a central role in ensuring the rights of wives after divorce. When nafkah iddah is not implemented properly, it can result in injustice for women. When such injustice occurs, it is important to conduct a thorough investigation to find effective solutions for law enforcement, especially in ensuring the fulfillment of women's rights after divorce. This study utilizes a normative-empirical approach. Data collection is conducted through literature review, documentation, observation, and interviews. The results of this study show that the payment of nafkah iddah in divorce is carried out during the implementation of the talak pledge session, namely before the pronouncement of talak. This is done to protect the rights of women post-divorce, and the protection of women is an effort to create gender justice, which is increasingly becoming a concern. One of the measures is to determine the period of payment for nafkah iddah during the implementation of the talak pledge session.</em></p> 2024-07-16T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Ahmad Fuadi Fuadi, Devi Anggreni, Sy,Fitriyani MODEL PEMBELAJARAN TAHFIDZ DALAM PEMBENTUKAN KARAKTER SISWA MADRASAH TSANAWIYAH 2024-02-06T07:06:50+00:00 Ahmad Haris Shofwan Aljauhari Faisal <p><em>It is not only the ability to read the Qur'an, but also the capacity to shape the character of the student. It is the learning that makes the student accustomed to reading and practicing the holy verses of the Quran in everyday life. Therefore, this study focuses on the application of Tahfiz learning in student character formation, as well as how the implications of Tahfis learning application are embedded. For that, the research uses a qualitative approach to the type of case study. Data collection techniques use observations, interviews and documentation. The results of this study show the method of application of Tahfiz learning in student character formation, namely the Talaqqi method and the Muraja’ah method. The application of tahfiz learning to student characterization is opening, opening activities, and core activities with the provision of hafalan material and depositing hafalan. The resulting implications are in the formation of the student's character into a time discipline, reflecting a reigius attitude as well as responsibility for completing tasks.</em></p> 2024-07-16T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Ahmad Haris, Shofwan Aljauhari, Faisal URGENSI PSIKOLOGI PENDIDIKAN ISLAM DALAM PENDIDIKAN KADER ULAMA MUHAMMADIYAH 2024-06-04T03:12:10+00:00 Aris Pratama Gunawan Wantini <p><em>M</em><em>uhammadiyah Ulama Cadre Education is an effort and strategy carried out by Muhammadiyah to answer the challenge of the scarcity of ulama in Muhammadiyah. In addition, Muhammadiyah Ulama Cadre Education is also an effort to instill renewal values </em><em>​​</em><em>that are implemented into the personality of a scholar who has broad insight, high intellect, and sensitivity to changing times. To realize this goal, educators are needed who need to master various sciences, one of which is psychology, especially Islamic educational psychology. The approach used in this research is qualitative, the type of literature, with the analysis of the content analysis model.</em> <em>The result of this discussion is the urgency of Islamic education psychology in Muhammadiyah Ulama Cadre Education, namely to understand the development of</em><em> the student </em><em>by reviewing the physical and spiritual aspects o</em><em>f the student</em><em>, conducting learning, and coaching processes that instill Islamic values </em><em>​​</em><em>in shaping human qalbiyah intelligence, Islamic education psychology. build unification and integration in the formation of human personality kaffah, and apply the potentials of students and coaches in coaching and learning.</em></p> 2024-07-16T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Aris Pratama Gunawan, Wantini TRANSFORMASI PENDIDIKAN ISLAM HOLISTIK: STUDI KASUS PENDIDIKAN KADER ULAMA MUHAMMADIYAH DI UNIVERSITAS MUHAMMADIYAH PALANGKARAYA 2024-06-30T04:26:47+00:00 Hunainah Lastaria M. Tri Ramdhani Dwi Sari Usop <p><em>Islamic education continues to transform over time by self-improvement. Holistic Islamic education offers students the ability to adapt to changing times while still emphasizing religion as the main axis. Muhammadiyah Ulama Cadre Education (PKUM) is one of the bases for the cadre formation of Muhammadiyah ulama in Central Kalimantan. Although holistic Islamic education is not a new concept, its implementation needs to be renewed and adapted to the environment. This article is part of descriptive qualitative research, aiming to describe the transformation of holistic Islamic education occurring in the PKUM (Muhammadiyah Ulama Cadre Education) institution at Muhammadiyah University of Palangkaraya, Central Kalimantan. The research results show that the transformation of holistic Islamic education in PKUM-UMPR has strived to fill the cognitive, affective, and psychomotor students, centered on tauhid. PKUM's efforts to transform holistic Islamic education include academic education in dormitories and on-campus within the Faculty of Islamic Studies, as well as various forms of tiered coaching and cadre formation, so that the cadres can lead and become ulama when they return to their respective PDMs (Muhammadiyah Regional Leaders).</em></p> 2024-07-16T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Hunainah, Lastaria, M. Tri Ramdhani, Dwi Sari Usop PENINGKATAN HASIL BELAJAR PENDIDIKAN AGAMA ISALAM MELALUI PENERAPAN METODE ROLE PLAYING PADA SISWA KELAS V DI SDN 295 PINRANG 2024-05-21T07:02:27+00:00 Ishak <p><em>The main objective of this study is to find out the improvement of PAI learning results through the application of role playing methods to students of the V class in SDN 295 Pinrang. The type of method used in this study is Classroom Action Research which is an action research conducted with the aim of improving the quality of learning practice in the classroom. The technique of data collection in research is by observing the learning process, conducting interviews, making field records, observation sheets, documentation, and summarizing the value of learning results obtained by students from the test at the end of each cycle. The data analysis used is the process of systematically searching for and organizing the data obtained. The results of the study show that the learning outcomes of students from Cycle I to Cycle II have improved. The lowest score a student obtains at the time of the pretest is 40. While the lowest grade a student gets at the postest is 70. The highest score on the preteste is 85, while the highest point on the posttest is 100. It can be seen that almost all children have improved in learning and have passed the KKM score. For the learning outcomes of Cycle II obtained an average N-Gain 0.77 (high category) greater than the average N -Gain outcome of the Cycle I is 0.29, this means the ability of students in applying active learning Role Playing method used has been much improved compared to the cycle I and the learning result achieved becomes more effective.</em></p> 2024-07-16T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Ishak ANALISIS PEMIKIRAN MUHAMMADIYAH DALAM PERSPEKTIF SALAFISME 2024-01-10T06:36:54+00:00 Muhammad Teguh Ciptadi Romelah Moh. Nurhakim <p><em>Muhammadiyah as an open and moderate organization, easily accepts ideas and actions from other Islamic groups that have ideologies similar to Muhammadiyah. One such movement is Salafism. The introduction of Salafism into Muhammadiyah has caused various reactions, especially among the Muslims themselves. Some of the issues faced include how the Salafi movement affects the citizens of the Muhammadiyah association, whatever similarities and differences between Salafi and Muhammadiyah movements, as well as the impact of Salafi movements on the Mohammedan association. The research model uses qualitative, and in its discussion this research uses descriptive methods of analysis, while in obtaining data using library methods.In different perspectives, Muhammadiyah is often associated with Salafism and even the movement of radicalism. In addition, the young Mohammedan generation can be influenced by Islamic discourse and transnational movements such as salafism. Furthermore, the unrest that is occurring in Muslim-majority countries in various regions of the world can affect the thinking and attitudes of the young Mohammedan generation. The Muhammadiyah, who has struggled for more than a hundred years to encourage moderation and progress in Islam, is considered too great to change its moderate and progressive tradition, despite the challenges and temptations. The vision of Islamic progress and religious moderation in Indonesia will remain held by the Muhammadiyah.</em></p> 2024-07-16T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Muhammad Teguh Ciptadi, Romelah, Moh. Nurhakim POLITIK HUKUM PERADILAN AGAMA DALAM PROSEDUR PENYELESAIAN SENGKETA EKONOMI SYARI’AH 2024-07-17T00:22:11+00:00 Ardi Akbar Tanjung Muhammad Wahdini <p>The existence of the judiciary for the Muslims is a discretion. The religious courts as litigation institutions have absolute authority. Since the birth of Act No. 3 in 2006, Sharia economic disputes have fallen within the scope of absolute jurisdiction. However, the legislative provisions that have been introduced recently have reduced the authority in question. Based on the Law on Religious Justice and reinforced by the Constitutional Court Decision No. 93 of 2012 has its own advantages and constraints in the exercise of its role. The results of this study show that the Religious Court, in addition to limiting the forms of non-litigation settlement that can be chosen, also constitutes a new norm that the parties are granted rights by means of obstacles which it makes shift the power of the court in the environment of religious justice to power in the general environment of justice. In addition to the settlement of economic disputes of the Shariah: Sources of the Law of Events (Formal Law) and Material Law Sources, consisting of: Regulations of Laws-Laws, Fatwa-fatwa of the National Council of Shari'ah (DSN), Aqad Treaty (Contract), Fiqih and Ushul Fiqich, Customary Habits, and Jurisprudence.</p> 2024-06-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Ardi Akbar Tanjung, Muhammad Wahdini URGENSI ADMINISTRASI PUBLIK DALAM ISLAM : TINJAUAN MASLAHAH MURSALAH 2024-07-17T15:55:39+00:00 Widya Rahmat Luci Afiani Oktavia <p><em>Every aspect of a nation's life is heavily influenced and determined by the maintenance of its rule. Public administration, whether governmental, financial, military, or judicial, has existed since the era of Islamic civilization. In Islamic perspectives, government begins with literacy. As is well known, the majority of the Indonesian population is Muslim, and the Islamic regime plays a role in the development of Indonesia. This study attempts to explore more deeply about administration in Islamic concepts and its relevance to modern administrative practices. This research is a type of library study with a research approach using qualitative research methods. This research suggests that public administration in Islam emphasizes such principles as trust (faith), adl (justice), shura (consultation), and maslahah (kesejahteraan umum). Moreover, public leaders in Islam are expected to act with integrity, transparency, and accountability. The study concludes that Islamic public administration approaches can provide a strong and ethical framework for modern administrative practices, which focus not only on results but also on fair and dignified processes. The findings provide important insights for academics and practitioners in understanding and integrating Islamic values into contemporary public administration. The focus of the public administration that adopts the principle of Maslahah Mursalah is to good for the community. It is hoped that policies made with priority on justice, transparency, and participation can meet the needs of communities and enhance common well-being.</em></p> 2024-07-18T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Widia Rahmat, Luci Afiani Oktavia