Ghalizan2024-12-27T00:00:00+00:00Muhammad Wahdinimuhammadwahdini99@gmail.comOpen Journal Systems<p style="text-align: justify;">Mitsaqan Ghalizan is a Scientific Journal managed by the Department of Islamic Law (Al Ahwal- Syakhshiyah), Faculty of Islamic Studies Universitas Muhammadiyah Palangkaraya, and published twice a year (in June and December) by the Institute for Researches and Community Services Universitas Muhammadiyah Palangkaraya, contains articles of research and critical analysis studies in Al Ahwal Al Syakhsiyah (Islamic Law) and another field related.</p> GENDER PERSPEKTIF SITI WALIDAH (NYAI AHMAD DAHLAN) TERHADAP KELUARGA ISLAM DI INDONESIA2024-12-17T02:30:02+00:00Muhammad Ajiseftian<p><em>In essence, humans are able to optimize their abilities in order to be independent and get a decent job, including for women. But in reality, women are still contaminated with the Patriaki culture. For example in the family, men are allowed to go to high school while women are only at a low level and in the environment. So that in the formulation of the problem how the rights and obligations of the husband and wife towards the development of the Islamic family in Indonesia? And how is the relevance of the role of Siti walidah (Nyai Ahmad Dahlan) in improving women through education at the present time? The research method used in this study is library research or library reserch, which is research that collects data and information on various materials contained in books or literature related to activities with the thoughts of Siti Walidah. The results showed that in the context of developing Islamic families through education in Indonesia, the contribution of wives in education such as wives are often more involved in the daily education of children at home, both in terms of character building and academics. The Islamic education system must be an alternative to humans to achieve the forms and aspects of humanity as a whole both physically and mentally. The relevance of the real steps of Siti Waidah or Nyai Ahmad Dahlan's thinking is that she succeeded in making a madarasah. Nyai Ahmad Dahlan initiated special classes for women, including teaching religion, life skills, and basic science. This opened up opportunities for women to get better access to education. Likewise, the organization Aisyiyah was born in 1917, a women's organization under Muhammadiyah. Aisyiyah focuses on empowering women, one of which is through education.</em></p>2024-12-27T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Muhammad Ajiseftian Suryatama HUKUM ADAT DALAM PENEGAKAN KETERTIBAN MASYARAKAT PERSPEKTIF HUKUM ISLAM2024-12-10T07:02:08+00:00Ranti Suminar Endahranties_se@yahoo.comMuhammad Noor<p><em>In many indigenous communities, disputes are usually resolved through deliberation or a family approach involving traditional leaders, religious leaders or respected third parties. In this process, efforts are made to reach a solution that is favorable to all parties, without considering who is right or wrong, but rather the goal of restoring peace and harmony in the community. On the other hand, in the perspective of Islamic law, dispute resolution is seen from the point of view of justice based on the principles of sharia. The plurality of laws is interesting to review how they harmonize in their role in regulating community order. This research uses qualitative research methods classified as normative legal research with a conceptual approach. The results of this study indicate that customary law is one of the bases for judges to decide a case based on the law if the judge does not find a basis for deciding on written law. Enforcement of public order is also seen as a very important obligation from the perspective of Islamic law. Islamic law provides a clear outline of how to build a just, safe and peaceful society.</em></p>2024-12-27T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Ranti Suminar Endah, Muhammad Noor Shaleh DAN KETAATAN HUKUM MASYARAKAT PEKALONGAN TERHADAP PENOLAKAN DISPENSASI KAWIN2024-12-19T02:26:02+00:00Khafid<p><em>This research analyzes the legal awareness and compliance of the Pekalongan Regency community in response to the rejection of marriage dispensation by the Religious Court, using Soerjono Soekanto's theory of legal awareness and Tom R. Tyler's theory of legal compliance. This study is a field research with a descriptive qualitative approach, focusing on the collection of empirical data from in-depth interviews with individuals whose applications were rejected by the Kajen Religious Court, as well as the analysis of statistical documents related to marriage dispensation cases in the region. The findings reveal that the community's legal knowledge, particularly regarding the minimum marriage age stipulated by law, is relatively good. However, their understanding of the substantive reasons behind the court's rejection of marriage dispensation remains low. Public attitudes towards the court's decision vary; some accept the decision with a positive attitude, while others reject it, feeling that it is unjust. The observed legal behavior patterns also vary, with some community members choosing to postpone marriage in accordance with legal requirements, while others proceed with unregistered marriages (siri) due to social pressure and religious beliefs. Overall, compliance with the law regarding the rejection of marriage dispensation in Pekalongan Regency is not solely based on the threat of sanctions but is also influenced by perceptions of legitimacy, procedural and substantive justice, as well as social and religious influences</em></p>2024-12-27T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Khafid Abadi, Bagus Septiawan, Ulfia Zahroh FATHERLESS DAN KAITANNYA DENGAN PENGASUHAN ANAK DALAM FIKIH ISLAM DAN HUKUM PERKAWINAN DI INDONESIA2024-12-23T08:47:28+00:00Abdul Wahababywahab3005@gmail.comUsman Susandrasandra011084@gmail.comNurul Aulia<p><em>The phenomenon of fatherless, which is increasingly prevalent in Indonesia, has become a serious concern due to its negative impact on children’s development, both physically, mentally, and spiritually. This study aims to analyze the perspective of Islamic Fiqh and the Marriage Law regarding the role of fathers in child care, identify the father’s obligations in child care according to Islamic Fiqh and the Marriage Law, and determine the impact of fatherless practices on child growth. This study uses a library research method with a qualitative approach. The data used are primary data and secondary data obtained from various sources of literature, such as books, journals, and official documents. Data collection techniques were carried out through literature studies, and data analysis used content analysis. The results of the study show that Islamic Fiqh and the Marriage Law in Indonesia both emphasize the importance of the father’s role in child care. Fathers have an obligation to provide sustenance, educate and guide children, as well as provide affection and attention. However, fatherless practices in Indonesia are caused by several factors, such as high divorce rates, unbalanced parenting patterns, patriarchal culture, and the death of the father. The impact of fatherless on children’s growth and development can be in the form of father hunger, which is a condition of psychological damage that results in low self-esteem, difficulty adapting, slow psychological maturity, difficulty managing emotions, and lack of decision-making ability.</em></p>2024-12-27T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Abdul Wahab, Usman Alfarisi , Nurbayu Susandra, Nurul Aulia Fajriyanthi HUKUM KEWARISAN DI INDONESIA : SEBUAH TINJAUAN NORMATIF2024-12-23T08:49:02+00:00Nor Annisa<p><em>The purpose of this study is to look at the plurality of inheritance laws in Indonesia from a normative point of view. This research analyzes legislation, legal theory, and inheritance practices in customary law, Islamic law, and positive law. Indonesia is a country with a diverse population in terms of religion and ethics, and has a plural legal system, especially in terms of inheritance. This research uses a normative approach to study the legal provisions governing inheritance. These provisions are found in the Civil Code (KUHPerdata), Islamic law through the Compilation of Islamic Law (KHI), and customs that apply in various regions in Indonesia. This research shows that inheritance law is increasingly visible in its diversity, because in fact the customary inheritance law that applies is not only one, but various following the form of society and the family system of Indonesian society. So that the inheritance law applied to all Indonesian people is still different considering the classifications of citizens. Until now, there is no national inheritance law that can regulate inheritance nationally, so that people in Indonesia can choose between the three inheritance laws.</em></p>2024-12-27T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Nor Annisa Rahmatillah