Pemberdayaan Ibu Rumah Tangga Melalui Pembentukan Entrepreneur Home Care (Pelatihan Totok Wajah dan Marketing Digital) Desa Makamhaji Kecamatan Kartasura Kabupaten

Empowering Housewives Through the Formation of Home Care Entrepreneurs (Face Acupressure and Digital Marketing Training) Makamhaji Village, Kartasura District, Sukoharjo Regency




Entrepreneurship, Facial skills, Digital marketing


 The post-pandemic conditions that have hit the country since March 2020 require people to think more creatively to move the wheels of the family economy. Especially as a housewife who plays a central role in the family, to support the family economy a housewife must have the ability or creativity, especially in the field of creative industry-based entrepreneurship. Through this community service activity the aim is 1) to empower groups of productive age housewives who desire to become an entrepreneur through entrepreneurial socialization; 2) to build talent for creative industry expertise in acupressure skills; 3) to increase the ability to use information technology as a marketing medium (digital marketing) for face-to-face home care by housewives affected by Covid-19 in Dukuh Gobayan; 4) increase knowledge and skills in the field of beauty, especially facial acupressure. The output of this program is a facial acupressure video tutorial. The results of this community service activity are that housewives have an entrepreneurial spirit, can use information technology as a marketing tool, and have acupressure skills.


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How to Cite

Prihatini, P., Devi, A. O. T., & Khusnuliawati, H. (2024). Pemberdayaan Ibu Rumah Tangga Melalui Pembentukan Entrepreneur Home Care (Pelatihan Totok Wajah dan Marketing Digital) Desa Makamhaji Kecamatan Kartasura Kabupaten: Empowering Housewives Through the Formation of Home Care Entrepreneurs (Face Acupressure and Digital Marketing Training) Makamhaji Village, Kartasura District, Sukoharjo Regency. PengabdianMu: Jurnal Ilmiah Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat, 9(6).