PengabdianMu: Jurnal Ilmiah Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat <p style="text-align: justify;"><strong>Title:</strong> PengabdianMu: Jurnal Ilmiah Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat<br /><strong>ISSN:</strong> <a href="">2654-4385</a> (<em>online</em>), ISSN: <a href="">2502-6828</a> (<em>print</em>)<br /><strong>Subject: </strong>Multidisciplinary<br /><strong>Frequency:</strong> monthly (12 issues per year) onward <strong>January 2024</strong><br /><strong>Indexed at: </strong><a href="">SINTA 4</a>,<strong> </strong><a href=";and_facet_source_title=jour.1365102">Dimensions</a>, <a href=";from_ui=yes">Crossref</a>, <a href=";user=_72y6BIAAAAJ">Google Scholar</a>, <a href="">GARUDA</a>, and more<br /><strong>DOI: </strong><a href="">10.33084/pengabdianmu</a><br /><strong>Archive preservation: </strong><a href="">Indonesia OneSearch</a>,<strong> </strong><a href="">GARUDA</a><br /><strong>Publisher: </strong><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Institute for Research and Community Services</a> <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Universitas Muhammadiyah Palangkaraya</a><br /><strong>Editor in Chief: </strong><a href="">Nurul Hikmah Kartini</a></p> <p style="text-align: justify;"><strong>PengabdianMu: Jurnal Ilmiah Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat</strong> (<em>PengabdianMu J Ilmiah Pengabdian Masyarakat</em>, ISSN: <a href="">2654-4385</a> (<em>online</em>), ISSN: <a href="">2502-6828</a> (<em>print</em>)) is an International Journal managed and published by the <strong><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Institute for Research and Community Services</a> </strong><strong><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Universitas Muhammadiyah Palangkaraya</a></strong> 12 times a year onward January 2024, contains scientific articles of community service in the fields of social and political, administration and public policy, communication and informatics, education and economics, counseling and society, agriculture and forestry, religious science of Islam, law, engineering, and health science topics.</p> <p style="text-align: justify;"><a title="SINTA" href=""><img src="" width="84" height="30" /></a></p> <p style="text-align: justify;"><strong>PengabdianMu: Jurnal Ilmiah Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat</strong> is accredited at <strong>"<a href="">SINTA 4</a>"</strong> until Volume 11 Issue 4 2026 by Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education, Indonesia No: 158/E/KPT/2021.</p> en-US <p>Authors who publish with this journal agree to the following terms:</p> <ol> <li class="show">Any article on the copyright is retained by the author(s).</li> <li class="show">Author grant the journal, right of first publication with the work simultaneously licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License that allows others to share work with acknowledgment of the work authors and initial publications in this journal.</li> <li class="show">Authors are able to enter into a separate, additional contractual arrangements for non-exclusive distribution of published articles of work (eg, post-institutional repository) or publish it in a book, with acknowledgment of its initial publication in this journal.</li> <li class="show">Authors are permitted and encouraged to post their work online (e.g., in institutional repositories or on their websites) prior to and during the submission process, as can lead to productive exchanges, as well as earlier and greater citation of published work.</li> <li class="show">The article and any associated published material is distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License</li> </ol> (Nurul Hikmah Kartini) (Mohammad Rizki Fadhil Pratama) Wed, 05 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0000 OJS 60 Pelatihan Pembuatan Sabun Cair dengan Penambahan Ekstrak Tanaman Lahan Rawa Gambut Galam (Melaleuca leucadendron Linn.) dan Telang Ternate (Clitoria ternatea) bagi Siswa SMK 1 Palangka Raya <p>Soap on the market is purchased as a household necessity at a cheap or affordable cost. However, if you calculate the total cost of purchasing soap with the frequency of washing dishes and clothes for each family for an unlimited amount of time and for a long time, this will result in quite a large amount of expenditure for the family every month. Therefore, additional income is needed that can improve the family's economy. Based on this, the aim of implementing the community service program under the Community Entrepreneurial Assistant Lecturer Program (PDPWM) is to increase the insight and skills of students (i) SMKN 1 Palangka Raya regarding plants. local medicine typical of Central Kalimantan through counseling on the Introduction and Utilization of Local Medicinal Plants Typical of Central Kalimantan, namely the Galam Plant (Melaleuca leucadendron Linn.) as a fragrance and Ternate Telang (Clitoria ternatea) as a natural coloring in soap making. Training on making liquid hand-washing soap for students of SMKN 1 Palangka Raya has been successfully implemented. The output of this training is a liquid hand-washing soap product packaged in plastic bottles. Another result is the acquisition of knowledge regarding soap making along with the practices carried out by service activity participants</p> Nursiah Nursiah, Patrisia Erosa Putir, Milad Madiyawati, Rosdiana Rosdiana, Maryani Maryani Copyright (c) 2024 Nursiah Nursiah, Patrisia Erosa Putir, Milad Madiyawati, Rosdiana Rosdiana, Maryani Maryani Wed, 05 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Pemberdayaan Pembudidaya Ikan di Desa Bukit Bamba melalui Pelatihan Pembuatan “Pahesang” Pakan Herbal Daun Sangkareho (Callicarpa longifolia Lam.) <p>In freshwater fish cultivation, information and technology on alternative feed, namely feed mixed with herbs, has developed rapidly, one of which is artificial herbal feed from the medicinal plant Sangkareho (Callicarpa longifolia Lam.). This medicinal plant is a typical plant of Central Kalimantan. The aim of implementing this activity is to increase the knowledge and skills of partners or the fish-cultivating community regarding techniques for making herbal feed for fish cultivation with nutritional content formulations that suit the needs of cultivated fish. This activity will be carried out in Bukit Bamba Village, Central Kahayan District, Pulang Pisau Regency, Central Kalimantan with the target partners being fish farmers in Bukit Bamba Village. The method used to achieve this goal is active participatory empowerment of the community through collaboration with partners, namely the transfer of knowledge and technology through training activities on techniques for making herbal feed for cultivating fish in the form of pellets using local forest products, namely Sangkareho leaves, through direct assistance in the field starting from the process of taking and selecting raw materials to the production of herbal feed.</p> Maryani Maryani, Mohamad Rozik, Tutwuri Handayani, Rosdiana Rosdiana, Nursiah Nursiah Copyright (c) 2024 Maryani Maryani, Mohamad Rozik, Tutwuri Handayani, Rosdiana Rosdiana, Nursiah Nursiah Wed, 05 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Membangun Self Love pada Remaja melalui Psikoedukasi <p>Forming an image of oneself, roles, interests, values, beliefs, and physical changes begins when entering adolescence. This generally makes teenagers vulnerable to low self-esteem due to a lack of self-love. To anticipate this, an effort is needed to build understanding among teenagers regarding self-love so that they can recognize and respect themselves through psychoeducation activities. This psychoeducation activity is carried out using three stages, namely the planning, implementation, and evaluation stages. The planning stage is carried out by surveying the subject's condition and location of the activity site and coordinating with related parties. The implementation stage of psychoeducation activities involves delivering material and cultivating understanding related to self-love. The evaluation stage is done by looking at the pre-test and post-test results. The subjects of this psychoeducational activity were 28 students at SMPN 2 Lemahabang, Cirebon Regency, aged 13-15 years. The instrument was a questionnaire, and psychoeducation activities were implemented for one month. The results of psychoeducation activities show that there is an increase in the understanding of teenagers at SMPN 2 Lemahabang regarding self-love.</p> Alifiah Hidayati Mursalim, Alvin Eryandra Copyright (c) 2024 Alifiah Hidayati Mursalim, Alvin Eryandra Wed, 05 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Pendampingan Ibu Hamil dalam Peningkatan Parenting Self Effication melalui Peer Group Telling Story di Puskesmas Bangetayu <p>Mothers who accept their pregnancy positively can prepare themselves and carry out their role well. Achieving her role as a mother through psychological changes during pregnancy is a woman's task that must be achieved because failure can have a negative impact. The number of pregnant women at the Bangetayu Community Health Center is 30 people. Nearly 60% of pregnant women have poor parenting self-efficacy. Parenting self-efficacy is very necessary during pregnancy and the postpartum period. The solution to this problem aims to increase parenting self-efficacy and optimize the motivation of pregnant women to increase knowledge with a discussion approach among pregnant women through telling story group discussions. The implementation of activities involving the application of science and technology was carried out twice, namely on October 8, 2023, and November 5, 2023, targeting pregnant women at the Bangetayu Community Health Center, Semarang City. Science and technology transfer begins with a pre-test and ends with a post-test. Education is delivered using an easy-to-understand method: providing material and forming groups to tell stories. Parenting self-efficacy of pregnant women from the pre-test and post-test results increased by 8.85%. The most important thing about this activity is that mothers will teach other pregnant women.</p> Arum Meiranny, Atika Zahria Arisanti Copyright (c) 2024 Arum Meiranny, Atika Zahria Arisanti Wed, 05 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Edukasi Literasi Kesehatan Reproduksi tentang Manajemen Preventif Leukorhea pada Santriwati <p>Teenager is an age group that is in a transitional period of human development. The transition period is the process of biological maturation into adults who can reproduce sexually and has the potential for all the consequences of sexual activity. Vaginal discharge is a problem that is often encountered after women experience puberty and may indicate a normal phenomenon, an infection, or other conditions. Healthy, clean-living behavior related to reproductive health in teenagers has a significant correlation with the level of knowledge and daily behavior of teenagers that affect leukorrhea. To increase the awareness of female students at the Modern Assalam Islamic Boarding School regarding clean and healthy living behavior in the field of healthy female reproduction system with support from health professionals and preventive education on leucorrhoea. This service activity was conducted with a total of 60 participants who were involved in filling out the pretest and post-test. The activity phase included initial studies through student-teacher discussions, preparation of learning materials and evaluation methods, and implementation of learning activities and evaluations. A total of 60 female students who took part in this reproductive health education activity got a preventive education knowledge, proved by comparing the pretest scores before the health education activity was carried out and the post-test after the educational activity. A significant increase was obtained with a rate of 93%. Activities related to leucorrhoea in female students show the effectiveness of significant improvement in the knowledge and enthusiasm of the participants.</p> Yuni Prastyo Kurniati, Yusuf Alam Romadhon, Ninda Pradani Futana, Fadhilla Jihan Rosyita, Aufa Faza Fauzan Farma, Lisanul Latifah Copyright (c) 2024 Yuni Prastyo Kurniati, Yusuf Alam Romadhon, Ninda Pradani Futana, Fadhilla Jihan Rosyita, Aufa Faza Fauzan Farma, Lisanul Latifah Wed, 05 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Pencegahan Pernikahan Dini melalui Penanganan Psikososial Berbasis Komunitas di Pagatan Hulu <p>Early marriage issues must be a serious concern since it could lead to the quality of human resources problem in Indonesia in the next few years. Even though early marriage in Indonesia is illegal in Indonesia's law, the rate of early marriage is still high. Moreover, this problem should be solved, and a preventive approach is needed to overcome this problem. In this community service, Community-Based Research is used to strengthen the community. Its implementation has four main stages: laying the foundation, planning, information gathering/analysis, and acting on the findings. This service is for senior high school students in Pagatan Hulu, one of the areas with the highest number of marriages in Central Kalimantan. The activity implementation involved the Students Organization (OSIS) members as Catalysts. The activity results show that the catalysts can discuss this issue based on their experiences through Focus Group Discussions. Furthermore, the catalysts also carried out activities with eleven grade students, including sharing knowledge about Child Marriage and Its Impacts, Inspiration Sharing Talkshows, Planning Skills, and Overcoming the challenges skills.</p> Gerry Olvina Faz, Desi Erawati, Ari Pamungkas Copyright (c) 2024 Gerry Olvina Faz, Desi Erawati, Ari Pamungkas Wed, 05 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Penguatan Kemandirian Ekonomi Masyarakat Eks Syi’ah Pasca Rekonsiliasi Konflik di Rusun Jemundo Sidoarjo <p>The focus of this community service is to know how the ex. Syiah community in the Jemundo Sidoarjo Flats are fulfilling their daily economic needs, especially preparing for living generally in their home area of Sampang Madura. This service aims to provide participatory assistance to the community of ex-Shiah followers who have returned to Sunni teachings in the Jemundo Flats using a collaborative process between community organizations and university academic researchers to increase community capacity assets after being identified collectively, whether in the form of individual, group or institutional assets. This activity results in increased literacy skills in cultivating ornamental birds, skills in captivity, determining the location and size, supporting equipment for the cage, and maintaining its cleanliness. Meanwhile, the development of Madura petis products can be seen in the ability of attractive product packaging as well as selling skills and the inclusion of an expiration date.</p> Amal Taufiq, Abid Rohman, Liya Hilyatul Masrifah Copyright (c) 2024 Amal Taufiq, Abid Rohman, Liya Hilyatul Masrifah Wed, 05 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Upaya Pencegahan Demam Berdarah Dengue (DBD) di SDN 16 Kecamatan Pontianak Timur dengan Produk Lilin Aromaterapi Serai (Cymbopogon citratus) <p>Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever is a disease caused by a virus by <em>Aedes aegypti</em> mosquitoes. West Kalimantan is experiencing an increasing trend in dengue cases, with data of 4,304 incident cases and 48 deaths, most recently in the 43<sup>rd</sup> week of October 2023, so handling activities are needed to reduce the number of dengue cases. Kuliah Kerja Nyata is an action-based community service program currently being implemented at Sekolah Dasar Negeri 16, Banjar Serasan Village, East Pontianak District, Pontianak City. This text aims to increase knowledge and insight about dengue fever and ethnomedicine among students and teaching staff, increase awareness, look for alternative prevention methods, and be aware of the importance of preventing dengue fever. The method is implemented in the form of outreach, education, and demonstration. An evaluation was carried out to determine the participant's level of understanding through pretest, post-test, and questionnaires. The results obtained were that there was an increase in students' understanding of dengue fever based on an increase of 13.29% from pretest to post-test scores, and 59.61% of respondents stated that the activities had a positive impact on respondents.</p> Ayu Paramitha Anjani, Tea Gilda Dara Mula Olvi, Ersa Ananda, Fiqry Erdatama, Hadi Kurniawan, Indri Kusharyanti Copyright (c) 2024 Ayu Paramitha Anjani, Tea Gilda Dara Mula Olvi, Ersa Ananda, Fiqry Erdatama, Hadi Kurniawan, Indri Kusharyanti Wed, 05 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Pembuatan Hotel Lebah Kelulut (Trigona sp.), Komoditas Unggulan Green Economy <p>The honey green economy commodities focus on sustainable development that integrates economic, social, and environmental aspects that improve people's welfare while maintaining environmental sustainability. Not only produce honey, Trigona also plays a role in fertilizing plants as a pollinator that affects the quality of fruit and seed. Raising a green economy based on Kelulut bee honey is faced with various challenges, and the need for more information on nonoptimal cultivation and management. Therefore, this activity aims to solve this problem. This activity has several stages: surveys, focus group discussions, socialization, technical guidance, bee's hotel installation, and evaluation. Binalatung Mandiri Farmers Group has 27 members and lives in Kampung I/SKIP Village, Tarakan City. Since 2018, they have been cultivating kelulut bees. The current problem in cultivating kelulut bees is inappropriate storage locations for artificial and maintenance of the hives. The resolution starts with socialization and technical guidance about the bioecology of kelulut bees, calculating breakeven points in rupiah, and calculating the minimum sales that must be achieved based on profit targets. Artificial nests are named hotels because they carry the philosophy of being more profitable, long-lasting, and easy to move. The evaluation results concluded that bee hotels can increase honey production and have better durability than hives.</p> Muh. Adiwena, Nurjannah Nurjannah, Irawati HM, Gabriel Valentino Pandiangan, Andi Andi Copyright (c) 2024 Muh. Adiwena, Nurjannah Nurjannah, Irawati HM, Gabriel Valentino Pandiangan, Andi Andi Wed, 05 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Pendampingan Aktifitas Senam Kaki bagi Peserta Prolanis Diabetes Melitus di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Kujangsari Kota Bandung <p>Prediabetic individuals participating in the Prediabetes Lifestyle Program (prolanis DM) have exhibited irregular adherence to lower limb exercises, resulting in persistent fluctuations in blood glucose levels. Engaging in lower limb exercises holds substantial benefits for stabilizing blood glucose levels in individuals with diabetes mellitus (DM). This community nursing intervention aims to enhance the ability of prediabetic prolanis participants to perform lower limb exercises. The intervention involves direct assistance and guidance to prediabetic prolanis participants during their lower limb exercise routines. A total of 31 participants were provided with instructional videos on DM-specific lower limb exercises and were evaluated twice over two months during their visits to the Kujangsari Primary Health Center. After the sessions, the lower limb exercises were assessed using a scoring format ranging from 1 to 3, with final results categorized accordingly. Results indicated that 54.8% of participants achieved a 'Good' rating for their lower limb exercise performance. This personalized support and guidance are anticipated to augment the participants' lower limb exercise proficiency and motivation to exercise regularly. The DM-specific lower limb exercise videos are envisioned to serve as a reference for participants, enabling them to pursue self-care by performing these exercises at home and maintaining stable blood glucose levels.</p> Nandang Jamiat Nugraha, Habibah Humnah, Charlita Triearti Copyright (c) 2024 Nandang Jamiat Nugraha, Habibah Humnah, Charlita Triearti Wed, 05 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Pelatihan Pembuatan Produk Instan Berbasis Fermentasi Ikan di UMKM Barokah Palembang-Sumatera Selatan <p>The COVID-19 pandemic, which has spread worldwide since the beginning of 2020, has also impacted the development of the UMKM in Palembang. On the other hand, the Department of Fisheries Product Technology, Faculty of Agricultural, University of Sriwijaya, constantly conducts research based on local resources that have produced patents. One of the resulting patents is for instant bekasam with registration number P00202110332. The community activity program that introduces the technology for making instant products from fermented fish begins with preparations including preparation of supporting facilities and product manufacture. The training on making instant products was attended by more than 30 target audiences who are members of the fish processing and marketing business group in the Keramasan Village, Kertapati District, Palembang. The implementation of activities has been published in print and online media, including via: <a href=""></a></p> Rinto Rinto, Herpandi Herpandi, Indah Widiastuti, Sabri Sudirman, Dwi Indasari, Yunindyawati Yunindyawati Copyright (c) 2024 Rinto Rinto, Herpandi Herpandi, Indah Widiastuti, Sabri Sudirman, Dwi Indasari, Yunindyawati Yunindyawati Wed, 05 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Edukasi, Pelatihan Teknologi Pengolahan, dan Pengembangan Produk Olahan Purun di Desa Mekar Jaya, Kecamatan Wampu, Kabupaten Langkat <p>Mekar Jaya Village is one of the villages in Wampu District, Langkat Regency, with high purun potential and many purun artisans in the community. However, until now the purun processed by the community is only mat products. The purpose of the training activities carried out is to educate and train the community about processing technology and purun product development. The activity method is in the form of discussions about educating the management and processing of purun processed products and training in making purun crafts guided by purun artisans trainers. The activity results showed that the community's knowledge about purun management and how to use it increased. After the training, especially in dyeing technology, increased the public's knowledge about purun coloring and encouraged the community to innovate in terms of coloring and processed purun-based products.</p> Ridwanti Batubara, Oding Affandi, Luthfi Hakim Copyright (c) 2024 Ridwanti Batubara, Oding Affandi, Luthfi Hakim Wed, 05 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Peningkatan Pemahaman Siswa Mengenai Pengaruh Media Sosial terhadap Radikalisme di Kalangan Pelajar melalui Penyuluhan Hukum tentang Paham Radikalisme <p>Social media is one of the tools currently very close to people's lives. All aspects of human life cannot be separated from social media. Students are one of the users of social media. Through social media, students can access knowledge not obtained at school. Social media is also used to spread radicalism among the younger generation, especially students. Social media is used as a tool for radicalization by individuals and groups for political and social change, especially for teenagers and the younger generation. Seeing the high rate of spread of radicalism among teenagers, especially students, through social media shows the importance of knowledge and understanding for teenagers regarding the spread of radicalism through social media. There is a lack of knowledge among teenagers regarding the dangers of spreading radicalism through social media, so it is necessary to make efforts in the form of promotive external support in the form of Legal Counseling in schools, with the main target being students.</p> Elin Sudiarti, FX Ary Setiawan, Claudia Yuni Pramitha, Dwi Tiara Putri Taun Copyright (c) 2024 Elin Sudiarti, FX Ary Setiawan, Claudia Yuni Pramitha, Dwi Tiara Putri Taun Wed, 05 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Merawat “Hutan Kehidupan” Berbasis Budaya Keagamaan Moderat <p>The Battang Protected Forest Area is the source of life for the surrounding community. Therefore, it is essential to preserve and care for forests based on moderate religious culture as a form of implementation of worship to God. This research and community service activity uses the Community Based Research (CBR) model—data collection using FGD, Mapping, and Interview. The data were analyzed using qualitative analysis of the Miles and Huberman model. The findings show that the community knows various characteristics of forests in Battang. However, some communities consider the forest in Battang a customary forest. From the assistance based on cultural and religious values, the community can recognize human relations with forests that have existed for generations, such as how to cultivate agriculture and find places to settle. This service research implies that the community realizes the importance of caring for forests that stick to customs and religion.</p> Mubarak Mubarak, Nurman Said, Emily Nur Saidy, Zulfahnur Zulfahnur Copyright (c) 2024 Mubarak Mubarak, Nurman Said, Emily Nur Saidy, Zulfahnur Zulfahnur Wed, 05 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Pemanfaatan Bunga Kenop sebagai Minuman Herbal di Desa Adat Gerih, Badung, Bali <p>Globe amaranth flowers (Gomphrena globosa L.) can be used as efficacious herbs in helping cure a disease or as a body refreshment drink. Local Balinese people must become more familiar with these flowers as herbal drinks. The community only uses it in a limited way for religious ceremonies. This flower can be developed as an herbal drink, so it can potentially add economic value to the flower. This activity aims to provide socialization and training on the processing of globe amaranth flowers as herbal drinks. This community service activity is done through counseling and training on making herbs. The results of the service activities received a positive response from the participants which was reflected in the evaluation results obtained, participants giving good and excellent responses to this service activity. The service program that has been implemented can increase the knowledge of the people of the local indigenous village about the benefits of globe amaranth flowers for health. Service activities have achieved the objectives; namely, the residents of local villages can process globe amaranth flowers into herbal tea products to increase productivity and economic value so that they can improve community welfare.</p> I Nyoman Arsana, Ni Ketut Ayu Juliasih, Anak Agung Ayu Sauca Sunia Widyantari, Ni Putu Dyah Sartika Sari, Ni Made Ayu Suwandani Copyright (c) 2024 I Nyoman Arsana, Ni Ketut Ayu Juliasih, Anak Agung Ayu Sauca Sunia Widyantari, Ni Putu Dyah Sartika Sari, Ni Made Ayu Suwandani Wed, 05 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Pemberdayaan Sumber Daya Alam di Bidang Perikanan sebagai Mata Pencaharian Masyarakat Kelurahan Petuk Katimpun <p>Petuk Katimpun Village, located in Palangka Raya City, has natural fisheries resources that have yet to be utilized optimally. This is due to the need for more public knowledge about managing fisheries resources, especially the diversification of fish processing which can be used as a livelihood for the community. Therefore, empowerment efforts are needed through outreach, training, and monitoring, focusing on processing fishery products into food products, such as fish jerky. This community service activity aims to provide understanding and skills to the people of Petuk Katimpun Village in managing fisheries resources, focusing on making fish jerky as an economical product. Methodology for community empowerment services carried out in Petuk Katimpun Village, Jekan Raya District, Palangka Raya City, Central Kalimantan Province. The community empowerment service will be carried out from July to November 2023. The activity implementation is socialization, training, and monitoring in making food products in the form of fish jerky. Participants in the activity are housewives and fishermen. The duration of this community empowerment service activity lasts for five months. Based on the results of the training evaluation, it is known that the community's knowledge about fish jerky processing before and after the training has dramatically increased by 66.12%.</p> Parista Kristina, Erik Saputra, Ronauli Marbun, Mauliwati Situmeang, Ucok Ucok, Hutri Sianturi, Ramces Hutauruk, Torang Tinambunan, Waldensius Purba, Ditya Sriwahyuni Sinurat, Natanael Siagian, Aditya Rahmat Mulyadi, Wawan Mastiar Marbun, Eko Haryanto Lumbantoruan, Sri Endang Agustina Rahayuningsih Copyright (c) 2024 Parista Kristina, Erik Saputra, Ronauli Marbun, Mauliwati Situmeang, Ucok Ucok, Hutri Sianturi, Ramces Hutauruk, Torang Tinambunan, Waldensius Purba, Ditya Sriwahyuni Sinurat, Natanael Siagian, Aditya Rahmat Mulyadi, Wawan Mastiar Marbun, Eko Haryanto Lumbantoruan, Sri Endang Agustina Rahayuningsih Wed, 05 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Edukasi Pencegahan Anemia pada Remaja Putri di PPTQ Al-Rasyid Kartasura <p>Adolescents experience a very dynamic period of physical development. Anemia is one of the problems experienced by young women. If iron intake in adolescent girls is insufficient, adolescents can experience problems with their needs and immune response. One of the causes of anemia in teenagers is a lack of knowledge about anemia. This service activity was for young women at the Tahfidz Quran Al-Rasyid Kartasura Islamic Boarding School. This service aims to educate young women about anemia to prevent anemia. The method for implementing this service program is to provide counseling, starting with a pre-test, delivering material and interactive discussions, and ending with a post-test. The results achieved from this service activity were increased teenagers' knowledge about anemia before and after the counseling. This shows the importance of health education or promotion to be carried out continuously to teenagers. Knowledge has a vital role in shaping a person's actions. It is hoped that teenagers with good knowledge about anemia can prevent anemia in themselves because it will affect learning ability and concentration, inhibiting the growth of both body and brain cells. Therefore, teenagers can increase their understanding of anemia through various media and improve their lifestyle.</p> Tanjung Anitasari Indah Kusumaningrum, Sabrina Cantika Putri Sandrana, Novyanti Setiyo Rini, Nanda Hani Nur Pertiwi, Maria Alna Priska, Nurjihan Luthfia Nabila Copyright (c) 2024 Tanjung Anitasari Indah Kusumaningrum, Sabrina Cantika Putri Sandrana, Novyanti Setiyo Rini, Nanda Hani Nur Pertiwi, Maria Alna Priska, Nurjihan Luthfia Nabila Wed, 05 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Pendampingan Optimalisasi Peran Sumberdaya Manusia Perusahaan Kontraktor di Banjarmasin dan Palangkaraya untuk Peningkatan Kinerja Organisasi <p>More than in the previous era, after the COVID-19 pandemic, companies must build effective human resource management (HRM) to improve employee performance and work culture. This condition requires an organizational form and HRM system relevant to performance needs and demands. PT Gagah Putera Satria needs to transform employees' systems, processes, and work culture to increase their performance as a company engaged in the service sector. Improving and enhancing the performance of the human resource organization is the key to the company's success in achieving the expected performance. That is why the company developed a comprehensive HRM as a major project along with the change in the form of the company, which was initially a heavy equipment rental company, shifted to heavy equipment contractors in the mining industry in Kalimantan. This assistance aims to help the company improve HRM performance. The activities include mapping the actual conditions of the problems experienced related to the company's HRM, restructuring the human resource organization, and disseminating recommendations for HRM performance improvement programs to principals and employees of the head office and project office at the site. The results of the assistance are the formation of an integrated structure of the HRM system, the operation of the human resource management process with a streamlined structure and a more effective process, and the increased managerial skills of the HRM personnel of the company.</p> Yohanes Totok Suyoto, Guntur Haludin, Teguh Prasetio Copyright (c) 2024 Yohanes Totok Suyoto, Guntur Haludin, Teguh Prasetio Wed, 05 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Peningkatan Daya Saing UMKM Mimi Roti melalui Penerapan Teknologi Pengemasan dan Pemasaran Digital <p>This time, the community service program partner is Mimi Roti Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) in Watugede, Singosari, Malang Regency. Founded in 1999, Mimi Roti MSME has experienced rapid development by reaching a production capacity of 100 donuts and burgers per day. However, Mrs. Alfiyah, as the owner of UMKM Mimi Roti, experienced significant obstacles in terms of product packaging. Using simple plastic clips causes the bread's shelf life to be only three days, limiting the growth potential and competitiveness of Mimi Roti MSMEs in the market. This service activity aims to help Mimi Roti MSMEs overcome packaging problems and increase their competitiveness in the market. To overcome this problem, the community service team took several steps, namely: analysis of partner needs, research on continuous band sealer (CBS) machines, selection and procurement of CBS machines, packaging redesign, training on using CBS machines, training on digital marketing strategies, monitoring, and evaluation. Applying the CBS machine and packaging redesign increased the shelf life of bread to 7 days, improved the quality and attractiveness of the packaging, and increased sales by up to 20%. Community service activities at MSME Mimi Roti have succeeded in helping MSME Mimi Roti overcome packaging problems, increase competitiveness, and expand its market reach. Implementing better packaging technology, attractive packaging redesign, and effective digital marketing strategies have proven to positively impact product quality, sales, and profits of Mimi Roti MSMEs.</p> Yepy Komaril Sofi’i, Sudarman Sudarman, Willy Satrio Nugroho Copyright (c) 2024 Yepy Komaril Sofi’i, Sudarman Sudarman, Willy Satrio Nugroho Wed, 05 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Penerapan Teknologi Budidaya Bawang Merah Bima Brebes sesuai Kondisi Agroekosistem untuk Meningkatkan Pengetahuan Kelompok Tani “Bantang Cama” <p>Shallots are a horticultural commodity with high economic value because shallots are always used in almost every dish. The importance of knowledge about shallot cultivation technology according to the agroecosystem has yet to be fully distributed at the Bantang Cama Farmers Group in Manggarai Regency. The targets to be achieved from this PKM program are increasing the skills of farmer groups in Waso Village regarding the cultivation of Bima Brebes shallots, as well as the results of adaptation of Bima Brebes shallots through the implementation of cultivation carried out in the highlands. Service activities were carried out in the "Bantang Cama" farmer group in Waso Village, Manggarai, East Nusa Tenggara, with 36 participants. They went through the stages of field observation, literature study, outreach, demonstration, and evaluation. The evaluation was carried out using a pretest and posttest to measure the improvement in the skills of the farmer group and see the results of the Bima Brebes shallots that had been cultivated. The results of the service showed that the skills of the farmer group after participating in the socialization increased from 38.50% to 87.60%. Bima Brebes shallots produced low plant height, number of leaves, and tillers. This shows a mechanism of low adaptability to the agroecosystem, the highlands in Waso Village.</p> Devi Liana, Fany Juliarti Panjaitan, Rizki Adiputra Taopan, Tri Astuti, Dumaris Priskila Purba, Elfrida Knaofmone, Muhammad Noor Ariefin, Defiyanto Djami Adi, Jessyca Putri Choirunnisa, Marlinda Mulu, Silfanus Jelatu, Dewi Rofita Copyright (c) 2024 Devi Liana, Fany Juliarti Panjaitan, Rizki Adiputra Taopan, Tri Astuti, Dumaris Priskila Purba, Elfrida Knaofmone, Muhammad Noor Ariefin, Defiyanto Djami Adi, Jessyca Putri Choirunnisa, Marlinda Mulu, Silfanus Jelatu, Dewi Rofita Wed, 05 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Pengembangan “Desa Wisata Kampung Koi” Latukan sebagai Upaya Penguatan BUMDesa melalui Pengembangan Kelompok Pembudidaya dan BUMDesa Latukan, Kabupaten Lamongan <p>Latukan Village is one of the villages in Lamongan Regency with Independent Village status in the 2020 Building Village Index (IDM). Independent Village has the highest status in the IDM assessment scale published by the Ministry of Villages. Through the Empowered Village Program, Latukan Village seeks to build a village icon by constructing the Latukan “Koi Village”. However, the complete design concept regarding the development of Latukan Village as a Kampung Koi Tourism Village has not yet been formed optimally. Therefore, it is essential to prepare strategic development steps, which include elements of Koi Fish Cultivation, Post-harvest Management, Transportation, Marketing Management, the establishment of recreational and educational parks, as well as human resource development, in this case, the Koi Fish Cultivator Group and the Harvest Management Group. The solution is to create a development design for the Kampung Koi Tourism Village as part of the BUM Desa business unit. For this reason, the Brawijaya University Community Service team designed an activity to build a stronger and more sustainable Latukan Village Icon. Service activities consist of identifying the status of the problem and planning solutions, forming a koi fish cultivator group and making portable spawning ponds, strengthening the role of BUMDesa, village government, and cultivators through focus group discussions and comparative studies, and koi fish cultivation and breeding training. All activities have been conducted and compiled in scientific publications and mass media. In its implementation, this activity involved five students concentrating on fisheries cultivation and fishery product technology.</p> Maftuch Maftuch, Fahreza Okta Setyawan, Retno Tri Astuti, Reghita Dwi Farikhah, Abdillah Hanan Ash Shufi Copyright (c) 2024 Maftuch Maftuch, Fahreza Okta Setyawan, Retno Tri Astuti, Reghita Dwi Farikhah, Abdillah Hanan Ash Shufi Wed, 05 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Membangun Partisipasi Pemda Aceh Utara pada Penyusunan Qanun Tentang Pengelolaan Aset Daerah <p>The qanun design process refers to Aceh Qanun Number 5 of 2011 concerning Procedures for Forming Qanuns. Article 22 of the Qanun states that the community provides verbal/written input in forming the Qanun. North Aceh Regional Government participation and community input on the draft revision of regional property management qanun was carried out through Focus Group Discussions (FGD). Existing Qanuns related to Regional Property must be adjusted to Government Regulation 28 of 2020 concerning the Management of State or Regional Property. This activity was carried out as a Focus Group Discussion (FGD) with stages of material delivery, question and answer, and interviews. This activity aims to obtain input on the draft qanun regarding managing goods owned by the North Aceh Regency area. Participants in this activity are government elements, community leaders, academics, and NGOs. After the FGD was carried out, the draft qanun was revised based on input to perfect the raqan, including the need for perfect administration of regional property from the planning stage to destroying assets belonging to the North Aceh Regency region. Apart from that, it is necessary to maintain and secure regional property so that the value and quality of assets are always maintained. Then, a good understanding is needed for regional property managers so they can carry out management properly and correctly by the mechanisms provided by law.</p> Mukhlis Mukhlis, Faisal Faisal, Muammar Muammar, Tasyukur Tasyukur, Fauzi A. Gani Copyright (c) 2024 Mukhlis Mukhlis, Faisal Faisal, Muammar Muammar, Tasyukur Tasyukur, Fauzi A. Gani Wed, 05 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Pendampingan Analisis Kelayakan Sosial Pasar Tradisional Landungsari <p>The market is a collection of all buyers and sellers interacting socially in selling and purchasing goods. The existence of markets, especially traditional markets, supports economic activities that can contribute to the economic growth of the surrounding community. The traditional market is the center of buying and selling transactions directly in the community. One of its functions is as a center for the socio-economic activities of the local community. The traditional market of Landungsari Village is an economic forum for the Landungsari community in buying and selling transactions between buyers and sellers. Market development must adjust to the development of the surrounding community. The problem in the traditional market of Landungsari Village is that there is no social feasibility study in developing and realigning the Landungsari Market in the surrounding community. The service aims to solve the problems by conducting a social feasibility study survey of the development and improvement plan and realignment of the Landungsari Market. In its implementation, the service team partnered with the Landungsari Market Manager and the Landungsari Village Government. The result of the service was that 76% of the subjects expected an improvement in the cleanliness of the Landungsari Market, and 100% of the subjects also expected the provision of evacuation routes, symbols, and disaster mitigation tools.</p> Tutik Sulistyowati, Rachmad Kristiono Dwi Susilo, Zikri Prismadani, Abdul Aziz Sabilillah, Ahmad Farhan Mawarid, Farhan Fuadi, Oky Firman Wahyudi, Divanda Nilam Az-Zahro Copyright (c) 2024 Tutik Sulistyowati, Rachmad Kristiono Dwi Susilo, Zikri Prismadani, Abdul Aziz Sabilillah, Ahmad Farhan Mawarid, Farhan Fuadi, Oky Firman Wahyudi, Divanda Nilam Az-Zahro Wed, 05 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Pengembangan Kompetensi Guru Bahasa Inggris Madarasah Aliyah dalam Penyusunan Modul Ajar Kurikulum Merdeka <p>Despite being introduced in February 2022, many teachers still need help applying the Independence curriculum at their schools. Many teachers must be more experienced in implementing the curriculum and require additional time to comprehend its ideals and essence fully. The community service program aimed to enhance teachers' proficiency in creating and composing instructional modules for the Independence Curriculum. The program participants were English instructors from Madrasah Aliyah in the Demak Regency, who were members of the Demak English Teacher Association of Madrasah Aliyah. The program was divided into three phases: pre-face-to-face training, face-to-face training, and post-face-to-face training consultation and help. A questionnaire gathered data on the subjects and interviews with select association members before in-person training. During the in-person training, the Community Service team engaged with the teachers by presenting educational materials, facilitating discussions, and giving participants exercises. The instruction was placed at Madrasah Aliyah Demak for a single day. Observations throughout the training revealed that numerous English teachers needed a complete understanding of teaching modules, resulting in their inability to develop and write them effectively. Following the training, the Community Service Teams offered consultations and assistance to the teachers to support them in finishing the modules. Teachers encountered persistent challenges, indicating the need for additional training.</p> Hartono Hartono, Choiril Anwar, Kurniawan Yudhi Nugroho, Zaenal Abidin Copyright (c) 2024 Hartono Hartono, Choiril Anwar, Kurniawan Yudhi Nugroho, Zaenal Abidin Wed, 05 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Literasi Perpajakan dan Kualitas Pelayanan Homestay <p>Homestay Kamojang already has several customer segments, but government agency customers require entrepreneurs to have a Taxpayer Identification Number. Likewise, homestay management still needs to have service quality standards. Therefore, community service activities through the Community Service Engagement program for homestay owner communities who join the Kamojang Homestay Association focus on homestay tax literacy and quality of homestay service. The assessment results of homestay tax literacy activities showed that most participants understood local taxes, micro, small, and medium business taxes, tax rates, and tax sanctions related to homestay tax regulations. The homestay service quality literacy assessment results showed that most participants understood the elements of service quality, criteria, and homestay functions. The majority of homestay owners have relatively good service quality elements.</p> Majidah Majidah, Cahyaningsih Cahyaningsih Copyright (c) 2024 Majidah Majidah, Cahyaningsih Cahyaningsih Wed, 05 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Revitalisasi UMK melalui Edukasi Penerapan Manajemen Berbasis Sustainable Oriented Innovation dan Pemasaran Berbasis Online <p>Pesanggaran Village is an area that is very rich in natural potential. Located in the Pesanggaran sub-district, Banyuwangi Regency, this village has great agriculture, animal husbandry, and fisheries potential. However, in this village, community groups need help with animal husbandry. The main problem in this community group is a need for more understanding of sustainable management and, secondly, a need for more understanding of digital marketing. Using a case study method on the Silugonggo Community group, in this community service, the solution discussed in the paper is management based on sustainable-oriented innovation and online marketing. The results of this community service are that the Silugonggo Community group can increase their insight regarding management based on sustainable-oriented innovation and market their products online, primarily through e-commerce platforms.</p> Sulistya Rusgianto, Muhammad Said Fathurrohman, Ahmad Fadlur Rahman Bayuny, R. Mohammad Qudsi Fauzi, Ridho Robbani, Auvi Diyanati Kanasibah, Dinda Tamara Wedari Copyright (c) 2024 Sulistya Rusgianto, Muhammad Said Fathurrohman, Ahmad Fadlur Rahman Bayuny, R. Mohammad Qudsi Fauzi, Ridho Robbani, Auvi Diyanati Kanasibah, Dinda Tamara Wedari Wed, 05 Jun 2024 00:00:00 +0000