Diman P. Representasi Sikap Para Tokoh Utama Terhadap Mitos Dan Ritual Dayak Maanyan Yang Ditampilkan Oleh Pengarang Dalam Novel Kariau, Dalung, Dan Minyak Bintang Karya Neno Christiandi Nelis: Representation Of The Attitude Of The Main Characters Towards The Myths And Ritual Of The Dayak Maanyan Shown By The Author In The Novels Kariau, Dalung, And Minyak Bintang The Works Of Neno Christiandi Nelis. Tunas J Pendidikan Guru Sekolah Dasar [Internet]. 2022Dec.31 [cited 2024Jul.22];8(1):112-26. Available from: https://journal.umpr.ac.id/index.php/tunas/article/view/4506