Representation of gender and ecology on Media : An Ecofeminist Perspective


  • Akhlis Nastainul Firdaus Akhlis Universitas Muhammadiyah Surabaya


ekofeminisme, gender, media


Critical views see the media not only as a tool of the dominant group, but also as a producer of ideology. The media helps spread its ideas, control other groups, it is also a subject that constructs reality, complete with its views, biases and partisanship. Suara Aisyiyah magazine as one of the mass media that has been published since 1926 until now and the oldest women's magazine in Indonesia. so it is very interesting to read how Suara Aisyiyah provides discourse on ecofeminism. an approach that seeks to understand and address the root causes of social injustice, ecological imbalance, and exploitation of nature by linking the close relationship between oppression of women and oppression of nature. This study uses a qualitative descriptive analysis research method by describing each data which is then analyzed in detail and synthesized effectively. The results state that Ecofeminism in the Suara Aisyiyah magazine that is built is a relationship related to the role of women in nature conservation in the form of protection, utilization and preservation of natural resources,


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How to Cite

Akhlis, A. N. F. (2024). Representation of gender and ecology on Media : An Ecofeminist Perspective. Anterior Jurnal, 23(3), 157–160. Retrieved from