Penentuan Prioritas Perawatan Berdasarkan Hasil Track Quality Index (TQI) Jalur Kereta Api Antara Stasiun Semarang Poncol – Stasiun Alastua

Determining Maintenance Priority Based On The Results Of The Track Quality Index (TQI) Of Railways Between Semarang Poncol Station – Alastua Station


  • Rusman Prihatanto Politeknik Perkeretaapian Indonesian Madiun
  • Bima Aji Bani Nurfaizin Politeknik Perkeretaapian Indonesia Madiun
  • Armyta Puspitasari Politeknik Perkeretaapian Indonesia Madiun
  • Wawan Riyanta Politeknik Perkeretaapian Indonesia Madiun



KA Ukur, Perawatan, Prioritas, Track Quality Index, Type Device


PT. Kereta Api Indonesia (Persero) has a measuring train that is used to determine the condition of the railroad tracks. The output of measuring train is a railroad quality value called the TQI (Track Quality Index). The TQI value can used to determine priority rail road maintenance. This study aims to determine the TQI category of the railroad between Semarang Poncol - Alastua, then determine improvement priorities and maintenance programs. The results of the analysis of the Semarang Poncol-Alastua cross-section railway data have an average category II for 20 < TQI ≤ 35. For priority treatment based on the results of the first point TQI on the SMT-ATA upstream track KM 0+156/188 Type Device LK (arch) with a TQI value of 48.1 categories III with an alert condition, an immediate corrective action program and track laying. Downstream track ATA-SMT KM 1+993/975 with a TQI value of 48.1 categories III with an alert condition, an immediate corrective action program and for the type of repair is track laying.


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Author Biographies

Rusman Prihatanto, Politeknik Perkeretaapian Indonesian Madiun

Lecturer of Building Technology and Railway Tracks, Politeknik Perkeretaapian Indonesian Madiun

Bima Aji Bani Nurfaizin, Politeknik Perkeretaapian Indonesia Madiun

Sudent of Building Technology and Railway Tracks, Politeknik Perkeretaapian Indonesian Madiun

Armyta Puspitasari, Politeknik Perkeretaapian Indonesia Madiun

Lecturer of Building Technology and Railway Tracks, Politeknik Perkeretaapian Indonesian Madiun

Wawan Riyanta, Politeknik Perkeretaapian Indonesia Madiun

Lecturer of Building Technology and Railway Tracks, Politeknik Perkeretaapian Indonesian Madiun


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How to Cite

Prihatanto, R., Nurfaizin, B. A. B., Puspitasari, A. ., & Riyanta, W. (2023). Penentuan Prioritas Perawatan Berdasarkan Hasil Track Quality Index (TQI) Jalur Kereta Api Antara Stasiun Semarang Poncol – Stasiun Alastua: Determining Maintenance Priority Based On The Results Of The Track Quality Index (TQI) Of Railways Between Semarang Poncol Station – Alastua Station. Media Ilmiah Teknik Sipil, 11(1), 74–81.

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