Author Guidelines
- Writing is the result of research or review of critical analysis study in the field but not limited to civil engineering which has never been published.
- The manuscript is written in Indonesian or English with Times New Roman font 11 pt, 2 (two) column, density 1.0 spaces, on A4 paper with a top-down-right margin of 1.5 cm and left margins 2.25 cm.
- The manuscript is typed with MS-Word program using the provided template and saved in .doc or .docx format.
- The manuscript is typed strictly with the following rules:
a. The title, Short and clear, written in Indonesian and English. The title length does not exceed 20 words.
b. Authors, listed without mention of title or degree, under the name including the affiliation and complete address, and email of the corresponding author.
c. Abstract, written in Indonesian and English which is a summary of the article. Abstract are created in one paragraph and a maximum of 200 words with Times New Roman font 11 pt, single column, and space 1.
d. Introduction, background, reasons for the importance of underlying research or hypotheses, general approaches and objectives of research and relevant literature review. The number of paragraphs not restricted but the contents must include background, objectives, positions on previous research, as well as the novelty of the research. The little theoretical basis which indirectly related to the contents of the article could be included without sub-chapters required. Citation of more than one author written in et al.
e. Methodology, Research method consists of 2 sub-chapters including instruments and materials, and methods. If data analysis is specific, or the way of analysis is novel, then data analysis subchapter could be added. The sub-chapters are written without numbering or bullet.
f. Results and Discussion at least contain three subjects (1) description of results, (2) interpretation or explanation of results, and (3) comparative of results with previous studies results. If the subchapters very length could be made sub-sub-chapters with Arabic numbering. Description of the results can be in the form of tables and figures with serial number (Table uses a sequence of Roman numerals and placed at the top, while figures using Arabic numeric sequence and placed in the below).
g. Conclusion, made in a single paragraph without the citation contains the final conclusion and suggestions for advanced research.
h. References, a list of recently selected topics is published last 10 years (minimum 75% of at least 10 references). The bibliography is written in alphabetical order chronologically without the serial number (Harvard System) and suggested using a reference management application such as EndNote, Mendeley, Zotero, and other applications.