Evaluasi Retak Pada Slab Beton Lantai Kendaraan Gedung Parkir dan Metode Perbaikannya

Crack Evaluation on Concrete Slab of Vehicle Floor Parking Building and Repair Method





retak beton, lebar dan kedalaman retak, low pressure injection


The aim to be achieved from this research activity is to provide an overview of the factors and causes of cracks, labar and crack depth on the concrete slab of the vehicle floor of the parking building and recommendations for improvement methods. This research method is a used research method and is a success story of crack evaluation and handling methods that have been carried out. The results showed that the crack width that occurred was 0.624-1.022 mm vs. 0.33 mm, out of tolerance. The results of the deflection measurements also show an average deflection in the concrete slab of the vehicle floor is 5.8-10.5 Cm and indicates that the crack has reached the concrete reinforcement, out of tolerance. With the results of this study, it is recommended that improvements be made with crack injection methods using low-pressure injection tools and specifications of an epoxy resin material.


Author Biography

Sulardi Sulardi, Universitas Tridharma Balikpapan

Lecturer of Civil Engineering

Universitas Tridharma Balikpapan


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How to Cite

Sulardi, S. (2018). Evaluasi Retak Pada Slab Beton Lantai Kendaraan Gedung Parkir dan Metode Perbaikannya: Crack Evaluation on Concrete Slab of Vehicle Floor Parking Building and Repair Method. Media Ilmiah Teknik Sipil, 7(1), 1–8. https://doi.org/10.33084/mits.v7i1.679