Analisis Warna Kayu Berbasis Komputer, pH, Dan Sifat Fisika Kayu Meranti Merah, Meranti Putih Dan Keruing Dari Toko Kayu Di Samarinda

Computer-Based Analysis of Wood Colour, pH, and Physical Properties of Red Meranti, White Meranti and Keruing from Wood Shops in Samarinda


  • Andrian Fernandes Pusat Riset Biomassa dan Bioproduk Badan Riset dan Inovasi Nasional
  • Aida Ainur Fitriah Universitas Mulawarman
  • Nuraini Ilavita Ocafyanti Universitas Mulawarman
  • Rina Pangesti Universitas Mulawarman
  • Anisa Lele Universitas Mulawarman
  • Erwin Erwin Universitas Mulawarman
  • Harlinda Kuspradini Universitas Mulawarman



meranti, keruing, toko kayu, sifat kayu



Kayu sebagai bahan baku konstruksi banyak diperjual belikan di toko kayu, diantaranya adalah jenis meranti merah, meranti putih dan keruing. Setiap kayu memiliki sifat yang berbeda, misalnya sifat warna, pH, berat jenis, kadar air dan penyusutan kayu. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui sifat warna, pH, berat jenis, kadar air kering udara dan penyusutan kayu dari jenis meranti merah, meranti putih dan keruing yang dijual di toko kayu di Samarinda. Pengujian berat jenis, kadar air, penyusutan kayu mengacu pada British Standards BS 373: 1957, pengujian warna kayu dengan menilai L*, a*, b* dan pH diukur menggunaan pH meter. Hasil peneliian menunjukkan bahwa kayu meranti merah berwarna merah kecoklatan, L* 52,9, a* 23,1, b* 24,3, pH 5,33, kadar air 13,42%, berat jenis 0,61, penyusutan arah longiudinal 0,09%, radial 2,7% dan tangensial 4,86%. Kayu meranti putih berwarna putih kekuningan, L* 71,9, a* 11,5, b* 23,3, pH 5,96, kadar air 13,30%, berat jenis 0,44, penyusutan arah longiudinal 0,24%, radial 4,92% dan tangensial 5,52%. Kayu keruing berwarna kecoklatan, L* 51,2, a* 13,6, b* 8,8, pH 5,97, kadar air 13,31, berat jenis 0,6, penyusutan arah longiudinal 0,17%, radial 3,0% dan tangensial 5,49%.

Kata kunci: meranti, keruing, toko kayu, sifat kayu



Wood as a material for construction is widely traded in wood shops, including red meranti, white meranti, and keruing. Each wood has different properties, such as color, pH, specific gravity, water content, and shrinkage. This study aimed to determine the color, pH, specific gravity, air-dry moisture content, and wood shrinkage of red meranti, white meranti, and keruing sold in wood shops in Samarinda. Testing for specific gravity, moisture content, and wood shrinkage refers to British Standards BS 373:1957. Testing wood color is done by assessing L*, a*, and b*, and pH is measured using a pH meter. The red-brown meranti wood had the following properties: L* 52.9, a* 23.1, b* 24.3, pH 5.33, moisture content 13.42%, specific gravity 0.61, longitudinal shrinkage 0.09%, radial shrinkage 2.7%, and tangential shrinkage 4.86%. White meranti wood is yellowish white, L* 71.9, a* 11.5, b* 23.3, pH 5.96, moisture content 13.30%, specific gravity 0.44, shrinkage in the longitudinal direction of 0.24%, 4.92% radial, and 5.52% tangential. Keruing wood is brownish in color and has the following properties: L* 51.2, a* 13.6, b* 8.8, pH 5.97, moisture content 13.31%, specific gravity 0.6, longitudinal shrinkage 0.17%, radial shrinkage 3.0%, and tangential shrinkage 5.49%. 

Keywords: meranti, keruing, wood shops, wood properties


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Author Biographies

Andrian Fernandes, Pusat Riset Biomassa dan Bioproduk Badan Riset dan Inovasi Nasional

Aida Ainur Fitriah, Universitas Mulawarman

Nuraini Ilavita Ocafyanti, Universitas Mulawarman

Rina Pangesti, Universitas Mulawarman

Anisa Lele, Universitas Mulawarman

Erwin Erwin, Universitas Mulawarman

Harlinda Kuspradini, Universitas Mulawarman


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How to Cite

Fernandes, A., Fitriah, A. A., Ocafyanti, N. I., Pangesti, R., Lele, A., Erwin, E., & Kuspradini, H. (2023). Analisis Warna Kayu Berbasis Komputer, pH, Dan Sifat Fisika Kayu Meranti Merah, Meranti Putih Dan Keruing Dari Toko Kayu Di Samarinda: Computer-Based Analysis of Wood Colour, pH, and Physical Properties of Red Meranti, White Meranti and Keruing from Wood Shops in Samarinda. Daun: Jurnal Ilmiah Pertanian Dan Kehutanan, 10(1), 49–59.