Identifikasi Kandungan NPK dan Pengaruh Pemberian Pupuk Organik Buatan terhadap Pertumbuhan Padi Wakawondu pada Lahan Marginal
Organic fertilizer, Soil fertility, Wakawondu riceAbstract
Wakawondu rice is a traditional food crop in North Buton, Southeast Sulawesi,
cultivated for 400 years without chemical fertilizers. Local farmers now face soil
fertility challenges due to changes in farming practices brought about by limited land
availability. This study aims to analyze the nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P ₂ O₅ ), and
potassium (K₂ O) content in homemade organic fertilizer and its impact on the growth
of wakawondu rice in marginal lands. The organic fertilizer was prepared from a
mixture of rice husks, sawdust, banana stalks, tofu residue, sugar, and EM4, incubated
for 60 days. Nutrient content was measured using destruction and spectrophotometric
analysis. The effectiveness of the fertilizer was tested by compa ring the growth of
wakawondu rice under three conditions: homemade organic fertilizer, no fertilizer, and
factory-produced compost. The results indicated that the NPK content in the homemade
organic fertilizer effectively promoted plant height but had no significant effect on leaf
number and width. The study concludes that homemade organic fertilizer has potential
to enhance rice growth on marginal lands, though its effect on leaf parameters remains
limited. Further research is recommended to optimize ferti lizer formulation and
understand other factors impacting crop productivity.
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