Modifikasi Larutan Buah Bit (Beta vulgaris l.) sebagai Alternatif Pengganti Zat Warna Eosin 2% pada Pemeriksaan Telur Cacing STH (Soil Transmitted Helminths)

Modification of Beetroot Solution (Beta vulgaris L.) as an Alternative to 2% Eosin in the Examination of STH (Soil Transmitted Helminths) Eggs


  • Benediktus Adventhia Daeli Akademi Kesehatan John Paul II Pekanbaru
  • Fepy Yulianti Akademi Kesehatan John Paul II Pekanbaru
  • Karolina Rosmiati Akademi Kesehatan John Paul II Pekanbaru



Beetroot (Beta vulgaris L), STH Worm, 2% Eosin, Modification


Helminthiasis is one of the infections caused by parasites. World Health Organization (WHO) data in 2018 reported 24% of the world's population was infected by Soil-Transmitted Helminths (STH). Worms of this group need soil to be in their infective stage. Eosin 2% is a stain used in the examination of worm eggs. Beetroot (Beta vulgaris L.) is one of the plants widely used as a natural dye. Beetroot contains betacyanin which produces red pigment. This study aimed to identify the feasibility of beetroot as a substitute for eosin to stain worm eggs. This research was true experimental with a static group comparison design. The results showed that the concentration of beetroot solution proportional to the quality of 2% eosin is with a concentration of 95%. Beetroot solution produces color quality with a contrasting background so that the morphology of eggs can be clearly observed. Beetroot extract lasts for 7-day storage at cold temperature.



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How to Cite

Daeli, B. A., Yulianti, F., & Rosmiati, K. (2021). Modifikasi Larutan Buah Bit (Beta vulgaris l.) sebagai Alternatif Pengganti Zat Warna Eosin 2% pada Pemeriksaan Telur Cacing STH (Soil Transmitted Helminths): Modification of Beetroot Solution (Beta vulgaris L.) as an Alternative to 2% Eosin in the Examination of STH (Soil Transmitted Helminths) Eggs. Borneo Journal of Medical Laboratory Technology, 3(2), 223–226.