Pengaruh Pupuk Kotoran Kambing dan Pupuk NPK Terhadap Pertumbuhan Sawi Pagoda (Brassica narinosa L) dan Derajat Kemasaman Tanah Gambut Pedalaman
Goat manure fertilizer, Mustard pagoda, NPK fertilizer, Peat soilAbstract
This research aims to determine the effect of goat manure and NPK fertilizer on the
growth of mustard pagoda and the degree of acidity on inland peat soils. This study
used a Factorial Complete Randomized Design consisting of 2 factors and 3
replications. The first factor was goat manure which consisted of 4 levels, namely 0
tons / ha; 25 tons/ha; 35 tons/ha; 45 tons/ha and the second factor was NPK fertilizer
which consisted of 3 levels, namely 200 kg/ha; 300 kg/ha; and 400 kg/ha. The results
showed that the interaction of goat manure fertilizer and NPK fertilizer did not affect
all variables observed, as well as the NPK fertilizer application. However, the
application of goat manure fertilizer affected plant height at the age of 2 -3 weeks after
planting with a dose of 45 tons / ha with an average of 5.03 cm, the number of leaves in
treatment of 35 tons / ha with an average of 6.99 leaves. Treatment of 45 tons / ha
showed pH of 5.47 and Treatment of 25 tons / ha gave Al-dd content of 3.57.
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Copyright (c) 2025 Hastin Ernawati Nur Chusnul Chotimah, Monica Esmeralda Butar Butar, Dewi Saraswati, Wahyu Widyawati, Zaffrullah Damanik
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