Implementasi Ketahanan Pangan Urban Farming dengan Penanaman Ubi Jalar dalam Karung
Family food sufficiency, Sack, Sweet potato, Urban farmingAbstract
This study explores the implementation of urban farming techniques such as
vertical gardening, hydroponics, tabulapot, and the cultivation of food plants in sacks
and planters in urban areas. With a focus on household food security, sweet potato was
selected as the crop due to its ease of growth and adaptability to various environmental
conditions. Additionally, sweet potatoes can be successfully cultivated in sacks. The
yield includes both tubers and leaves, which can be consumed as healthy vegetables.
The primary objective of this research was to analyze the productivity of sweet potatoe s
grown in sacks, and to examine the relationship between harvest variables and yield
prediction. An experimental and descriptive research methodology was employed.
Regression correlation analysis was conducted to determine the relationship between the
number of tubers and the total weight per sack, as well as to estimate the potential yield.
The results indicated a sweet potato productivity of 1.4 kg per 40 kg sack, with 10
cuttings per sack. A strong positive correlation of 96.77% was found between the
number of tubers and the total tuber weight per sack, represented by the regression
equation y= 71.069x-878.93. Similarly, a strong positive correlation of 83.05% existed
between the number of tubers and the weight of each tuber, suggesting that an increased
number of tubers did not decrease the weight of individual tubers, as shown by the
regression equation y=1.6985x -9.87. If a household has 10 sacks, the potential yield
would be 14,000 grams or 14 kg of sweet potatoes, providing a valuable source of
healthy vegetables for the family.
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