Analisis Zat Gizi Mikro dan Tinggi Badan Ibu Balita terhadap Kejadian Stunting di Daerah Gambut dan Aliran Sungai

Analysis of Micro Nutritional and Mother Height to Event of Stunting in Peatland and River Flow Area


  • Dahliansyah Dahliansyah Poltekkes Kemenkes Pontianak



Micro Nutrients, Mother's Height, Stunting


The issue of hindering can be impacted by the insufficient and incessant quality and amount, both small scale and large scale, particularly from the hatchling to the age of 2 a long time, and wiped out children. The frequency of hindering can too be caused by hereditary variables (heredity) where the hereditary message gotten by children from guardians put away in Deoxyribose Nucleic Corrosive (DNA) will show the physical shape and potential of the child, even though this figure is the as it were a figure that decides the baby's development and advancement. This thinks about points to decide the micronutrient status and only the mother's stature with the hindering rate in peat and waterway bowl regions. This thinks about is an expository plan with a case-control plan between peat zones and waterway streams, with a review approach to hindering chance variables. The number of tests is 100 children beneath five with 50 cases and 50 controls. Factual examination to be carried out incorporates univariable, bivariable examination with Calculated Relapse. The comes about appeared that there was a critical relationship (p<0.05) between micronutrients and hindering in peat ranges and riverbanks. Little children in peat and riverbank zones who encounter micronutrient admissions have 0.24 times and 5.8 times the chance of encountering hindering. There was no critical relationship between maternal stature (TB) and the rate of hindering in both peat and watershed ranges (p>0.05). In any case, moms of little children with TB < 150 cm were cut 1.7 times in peat zones and 0.54 times in watersheds to grant birth to hindering little children. Conclusion. There's a noteworthy relationship between micronutrient status and no noteworthy relationship between maternal stature status and hindering in peat ranges and waterway flows.


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How to Cite

Dahliansyah, D. (2021). Analisis Zat Gizi Mikro dan Tinggi Badan Ibu Balita terhadap Kejadian Stunting di Daerah Gambut dan Aliran Sungai: Analysis of Micro Nutritional and Mother Height to Event of Stunting in Peatland and River Flow Area. Jurnal Surya Medika (JSM), 7(1), 185–190.