Title: Borneo Journal of Pharmacy
ISSN: 2621-4814 (Online)
Accreditation: SINTA 2 until 2025 by the Minister of Research and Technology/National Research and Innovation Agency, Indonesia No: 148/M/KPT/2020.
Subject: Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences
Frequency: Quarterly (4 issues per year in February, May, August, and November) onward February 2020
Indexed at: EMBASE, SINTA 2, Dimensions, DOAJ, SHERPA RoMEO, Crossref, ResearchBib, Google Scholar, GARUDA, and more
DOI: 10.33084/bjop
Archive preservation: Indonesia OneSearch, GARUDA, and Internet Archive Scholar
Publisher: Institute for Research and Community Services Universitas Muhammadiyah Palangkaraya in collaboration with the Central Board of the Indonesian Pharmacists Association (Pengurus Pusat Ikatan Apoteker Indonesia)
Editor in Chief: Mohammad Rizki Fadhil Pratama
Borneo Journal of Pharmacy (Borneo J Pharm, ISSN: 2621-4814 (online)) is an international scientific platinum open-access journal managed by the Department of Pharmacy Faculty of Health Science Universitas Muhammadiyah Palangkaraya in collaboration with the Central Board of the Indonesian Pharmacists Association (Pengurus Pusat Ikatan Apoteker Indonesia) and published four times a year (in February, May, August, and November) onward February 2020 by Institute for Research and Community Services Universitas Muhammadiyah Palangkaraya. Borneo Journal of Pharmacy accepts scientific articles as original research articles, short communication, reviews, and mini-reviews from anyone without any discrimination, as long as they submit articles that meet scientific principles.
As a distinctive feature, the Borneo Journal of Pharmacy prioritizes research articles conducted on the island of Borneo (consisting of Indonesia, Malaysia, and Brunei Darussalam) and those conducted by researchers from institutions on the island of Borneo. In every volume, there are always articles written by authors from the island of Borneo. However, articles from researchers outside the island of Borneo are also welcome.
Borneo Journal of Pharmacy publishes various scientific articles covering Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences in the fields but not limited to Pharmacology-Toxicology, Pharmacognosy-Phytochemistry, Pharmaceutical, Analytical Pharmacy-Medicinal Chemistry, Microbiology Pharmacy, Natural Product Development, Clinical-Community Pharmacy, Management Pharmacy, and Pharmaceutical Education.
Vol. 7 No. 3 (2024): Borneo Journal of Pharmacy
The publication of the Borneo Journal of Pharmacy positively participates in disseminating research and review of science and technology development conducted by lecturers and researchers, primarily from Universitas Muhammadiyah Palangkaraya and other universities.
Reni Sri Wahyuni
(1), M. Artabah Muchlisin
(2), Ahmad Shobrun Jamil
(3), Engrid Juni Astuti
(4), Agustin Rafikayanti
Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang
, Indonesia
Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang
, Indonesia
Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang
, Indonesia
Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang
, Indonesia
Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang
, Indonesia
Nurkhasanah Mahfudh
(1), Habib Basyanur Murdi
(2), Dwi Utami
(3), Mustofa Ahda
(4), Siti Nashihah
(5), Andika Andika
Universitas Ahmad Dahlan
, Indonesia
Universitas Ahmad Dahlan
, Indonesia
Universitas Ahmad Dahlan
, Indonesia
Universitas Ahmad Dahlan
, Indonesia
Universitas Muhammadiyah Banjarmasin
, Indonesia
Universitas Muhammadiyah Banjarmasin
, Indonesia
Analytical Pharmacy-Medicinal Chemistry
Dian Agung Pangaribowo
(1), Fathunnisa Fathunnisa
(2), Ari Satia Nugraha
(3), Ayik Rosita Puspaningtyas
(4), Indah Purnama Sary
Universitas Jember
, Indonesia
Universitas Jember
, Indonesia
Universitas Jember
, Indonesia
Universitas Jember
, Indonesia
Universitas Jember
, Indonesia
Hari Baskar Balasubramanian
(1), Sima Biswas
(2), Maria Talmon
(3), Filippo Patrucco
(4), Piero Emilio Balbo
(5), Luigia Grazia Fresu
(6), Angshuman Bagchi
Università degli Studi del Piemonte Orientale “Amedeo Avogadro”
, Italy
University of Kalyani
, India
Università degli Studi del Piemonte Orientale “Amedeo Avogadro”
, Italy
Università degli Studi del Piemonte Orientale “Amedeo Avogadro”
, Italy
Azienda Ospedaliero Universitaria Maggiore della Carita
, Italy
Università degli Studi del Piemonte Orientale “Amedeo Avogadro”
, Italy
University of Kalyani
, India
Hestining Puspaweni
(1), Bambang Tri Purwanto
(2), Tri Widiandani
(3), Siswandono Siswodihardjo
(4), M. Artabah Muchlisin
Airlangga University
, Indonesia
Airlangga University
, Indonesia
Airlangga University
, Indonesia
Airlangga University
, Indonesia
Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang
, Indonesia
Microbiology Pharmacy
Fadil Rido Gumelar
(1), Farendina Suarantika
(2), Bertha Rusdi
Bandung Islamic University
, Indonesia
Bandung Islamic University
, Indonesia
Bandung Islamic University
, Indonesia
Natural Product Development
Alya Fajrina Soraya
(1), Andi Tenri Kawareng
(2), Risna Agustina
Mulawarman University
, Indonesia
Mulawarman University
, Indonesia
Mulawarman University
, Indonesia
Devanus Lahardo
(1), Wiwied Ekasari
(2), Aty Widyawaruyanti
Airlangga University
, Indonesia
Airlangga University
, Indonesia
Airlangga University
, Indonesia
Clinical-Community Pharmacy
Lailla Affianti Fauzi
(1), Erna Kristin
(2), Rizaldy Taslim Pinzon
(3), Bernadeta Margareta Wara Kushartanti
(4), Novita Intan Arovah
Yogyakarta State University
, Indonesia
Universitas Gadjah Mada
, Indonesia
Duta Wacana Christian University
, Indonesia
Yogyakarta State University
, Indonesia
Yogyakarta State University
, Indonesia
Pharmaceutical Education
Anugerah Budipratama Adina
(1), Alhara Yuwanda
(2), Rizky Farmasita Budiastuti
(3), Nopratilova Nopratilova
(4), Eddy Yusuf
(5), Suk Fei Tan
(6), Saeid Mezail Mawazi
(7), Amelia Herli
Jakarta Global University
, Indonesia
Jakarta Global University
, Indonesia
Jakarta Global University
, Indonesia
Jakarta Global University
, Indonesia
Jakarta Global University
, Indonesia
Management and Science University
, Malaysia
Management and Science University
, Malaysia
Jakarta Global University
, Indonesia
View All Issues
Vol. 7 No. 4 (2024): Borneo Journal of Pharmacy
Issue is not currently published. This is the issue preview only
The publication of the Borneo Journal of Pharmacy positively participates in disseminating research and review of science and technology development conducted by lecturers and researchers, primarily from Universitas Muhammadiyah Palangkaraya and other universities.
Microbiology Pharmacy
Dede Mahdiyah
(1), Muhammad Rifqi Dharmawan
(2), Noval Noval
Universitas Sari Mulia
, Indonesia
Universitas Sari Mulia
, Indonesia
Universitas Sari Mulia
, Indonesia